■ GAKU TANAKA / Kaito Okita A fourth-year university student. At the university where he miraculously passed the entrance exam, he shows up at part-time jobs, futsal, and light music clubs, and although he is not aware of it, he has quite high communication skills. Ryo and I were in the same class in our first year, and we became friends because we had the same taste in music. I'm cheerful and positive, and I can have fun whether I'm with someone or alone. [Comment] Q) Please tell us your thoughts when you received the offer to appear in this work, and your thoughts after reading the script. First of all, I was very happy when the drama was decided. Moreover, I was very excited because it was a drama on TV Tokyo, which is the time I watch. The theme of "capsule hotel" is also very niche, and I myself am very attracted to it, so I was very excited to see how it would unfold. Q) Please tell us your impressions of the role you will be playing. Kaito may have a lot in common with me, GAKU TANAKA,! ? When I started reading, I thought. And even after reading the fifth episode, that feeling remained (laughs). He is a person who takes action at his own pace. There were some parts that made me feel embarrassed, as if I was facing myself. Q) This is your first lead role in a drama, so please tell us your enthusiasm for the filming. I think I'm almost left behind by the word immature, but I want to act to the best of my ability. I will absorb everything I can, and at the same time, I will enjoy the scene from the bottom of my heart and create a work that everyone can enjoy! Q. Please give a message to the viewers, such as highlights. For those who are not familiar with capsule hotels, I would like them to be touched by their charm little by little, just like Kaito and Ryo. And I would appreciate it if the seniors at capsule hotels could watch over us as we become advanced capsule hotel guests. ■ HYOGA TAKADA / Takami Ryo role A fourth-year university student. He went to a preparatory school and is an average student. He likes music. Since middle school, he was often alone and didn't feel like forming a band, so he produced vocaloids in high school and university. At university, he doesn't have many close friends other than Kaito. He is always calm and acts as Kaito's guardian. [Comment] Q) Please tell us your thoughts when you received the offer to appear in this work and your thoughts after reading the script. Anyway, the goodness of capsule hotels is packed everywhere, and reading it just made me want to go to a capsule hotel as soon as possible! I will try to convey that in the drama too! Q) Please tell us your impressions of the role you will be playing. He's not exactly quiet, but he always has a low body temperature, is calm, and doesn't show his emotions, which I feel is very similar to me! Except for the fact that he's good at studying...! (laughs) Q) This is your first time starring in a drama, so please tell us your enthusiasm for the filming. It's your first time starring in a drama, and it's also your first time acting with GAKU TANAKA. We usually connect with each other through music, but this time it's acting, so it feels very fresh. I'd like to take on the challenge while also bringing out that freshness and cherishing the atmosphere that only we can create! Q. Please give a message to the viewers, such as highlights. If you watch this drama, I'm sure you'll get hooked on capsule hotels. I'll do my best to film so that you'll get hooked! Let's all capsule together this winter! Kaito (GAKU TANAKA) and Ryo (HYOGA TAKADA) are best friends, despite their completely opposite personalities. The two are fourth-year university students who have just finished job hunting and are about to graduate. "We don't have money, but we have time. We only have a little time left to do silly things together," they say, and decide to go on a bicycle trip westward for Kaito's purpose. Thinking about the funds for the trip, they use a capsule hotel for the first time. Capsule hotels have baths, saunas, food, alcohol, and rest areas! The two are innocently soothed like children who went to an amusement park for the first time. This time, the two stop at "Zetopia" in Funabashi, "Smart Stay SHIZUKU" in Ueno, "Wellbe Sakae" in Nagoya, "Anshin Oyado Kyoto" in Kyoto, and "Capsule Inn Osaka" in Osaka. There is a nostalgic Showa retro atmosphere, and it also seems like a futuristic accommodation... In such a place where the old and the new are fused together, there are many seniors in life. The capsule hotel they casually entered was filled with ultimate healing and lessons for the future of life. [Title] Wednesday Drama 25 "Kapukapu" [Broadcast Date and Time] Starts Wednesday, November 27, 2024, every Wednesday from 1:00 to 1:30 a.m. [Broadcast Station] TV Tokyo, TV Hokkaido, TV Aichi, TV Setouchi, TVQ Kyushu Broadcasting TV Osaka: Scheduled to be broadcast in January 2025 [Streaming] After each episode is broadcast, it will be available for unlimited viewing on the video streaming services "U-NEXT" and "Prime Video" ▶U-NEXT: https://t.unext.jp/r/tv-tokyo_pr ▶Prime Video: https://www.amazon.co.jp/gp/video/storefront/ Free streaming service with advertisements "Netto mo TV Tokyo" (TV Tokyo You can catch up on episodes you missed on TV Tokyo's website, TVer and Lemino▶TV Tokyo website: https://video.tv-tokyo.co.jp/▶TVer: https://tver.jp/▶Lemino: https://lemino.docomo.ne.jp/[Starring] GAKU TANAKA HYOGA TAKADA [Guests]Episode 1: Kote ShinyaEpisode 2: Maya Miki, Yamanaka SatoshiEpisode 3: Kondo Yoshimasa, Shishido MiwakoEpisode 4: Yamazaki IkinoriEpisode 5: Matsuo Satoru, Bengal[Screenplay] Manbou Yashiro ("If It Suits Your Ears," "Mass-Produced Riko" series)Egetsu ("Tamagotchi Short Animation," "COCHO COCHO")[Director] Yaegashi Fuga ("Not Like, We're Not Friends," "I Can Hear the Sunshine")[Producers] Urushima Koichi (TV Tokyo) Chiba Takaya (TV Tokyo) Kato Nobutaka (S.D.P.) Koga Soichiro (SS Kobo)[Production] TV Tokyo S・D・P [Production cooperation] SS Kobo [Production work] “Kapukapu” Production Committee [Official website] https://www.tv-tokyo.co.jp/capcap/ [Official' data-wovn-src:-original-content='11月27日(水)から放送される、水ドラ25「カプカプ」(毎週水曜深夜1時~)Sakurashimejiの田中雅功と髙田彪我の出演が決定いたしました!本作は、「ソロ活女子のススメ」シリーズ、「絶メシロード」シリーズ、「週末旅の極意~夫婦ってそんな簡単じゃないもの~」をはじめとしたテレ東深夜のライフスタイルドラマの新作で、ホテルの宿泊費が高騰化する昨今、注目を集めている「カプセルホテル」がテーマとなります。最近では、おしゃれで清潔な施設も急増し、女性の利用者も増加。休憩エリアあり、飯あり、酒あり、⾵呂あり、サウナあり、そしてひとりの寝るスペースありの究極の癒しのエンターテインメント施設となったカプセルホテルを舞台にした大学生2人の愛くるしいロードムービーとなっております。≪役紹介&出演者コメント≫■田中雅功/沖田海斗役大学4年生。奇跡的に合格した大学では、バイト・フットサル・軽音サークルなどに顔を出し、自覚はないがコミュニケーション能力はかなり高い。亮とは1年生の時にクラスが一緒で、音楽の趣味が合うことから仲良くなる。明るく前向きで、誰かといても1人でいても楽しく過ごせる。【コメント】Q)本作の出演オファーを受けた時の感想、台本を読んでみての感想をお聞かせください。まず、ドラマが決まった時は率直にとても嬉しかったです。しかも、自分が見ているテレ東、時間帯のドラマでテンションはとても上がりました。「カプセルホテル」というテーマもとてもニッチで、僕自身も、とても惹かれるものがあり、どんな風に展開されていくのかとても楽しみになりました。Q)演じられる役どころについての印象をお聞かせください。海斗は、僕、田中雅功にもしかしたら通ずる部分が多いかもしれない、、!?と、読み始めた頃に思いました。そして、5話読み終えてもその感覚はずっと残っていました(笑)。マイペースで行動派。なんだか、自分と向き合っているみたいで恥ずかしくなる部分もあるくらいでした。Q)ドラマ初主演となりますが、撮影への意気込みをお願いいたします。未熟という言葉にも置いていかれそうになるほどだとは思いますが、精一杯演じたいと思っています。吸収できるものには全部食いついていくと同時に、心から現場を楽しんで、皆さんにも楽しんでいただける作品を作ります!Q.視聴者のみなさんへみどころなどメッセージをお願い致します。普段カプセルホテルにあまり馴染みのない方は、海斗と亮と同じように少しずつ魅力に触れていただきたいです。そして、カプセルホテルの先輩方には僕らがカプセルホテル上級者になるまでの道のりを見守っていただけるとありがたいです。■髙田彪我/鷹見亮役大学4年生。進学校に進み、勉強は中の上。音楽が好き。中学の頃から1人でいることが多く、バンドを組む気にはなれなかったので高校と大学でボカロ制作をしていた。大学では、海斗以外にあまり親しい人はいない。いつも冷静で海斗のお守り役。【コメント】Q)本作の出演オファーを受けた時の感想、台本を読んでみての感想をお聞かせください。とにかく至る所にカプセルホテルの良さが詰まっていて、読んでいてとにかく早くカプセルホテルに行ってみたくなりました!ドラマでもそれがしっかりお伝えできるよう努力します!Q)演じられる役どころについての印象をお聞かせください。物静かという訳では無いのですが、常に低体温で落ち着いていて感情が表にあらわれにくい印象でとても自分と近しいものを感じます!勉強ができるという点を除けば、、、!(笑)Q)ドラマ初主演となりますが、撮影への意気込みをお願いいたします。初主演で、さらにほぼ初の田中雅功との演技になります。いつもは音楽で心を通わせているのですが、今回は演技なのでとても新鮮な気持ちですね。その新鮮さも出しつつ、僕たちだからこそ出せる雰囲気を大切にしながら挑みたいと思います!Q.視聴者のみなさんへみどころなどメッセージをお願い致します。このドラマを見れば、きっとあなたもカプセルホテルにハマるはず。ハマってもらえるよう撮影頑張らせていただきます!この冬は、みんなでカプカプ!≪イントロダクション≫性格は真逆だが親友同士の海斗(田中雅功)と亮(髙田彪我)。就職活動を終え、卒業を控えた大学 4 年生の 2 人は、「お金はないが時間はある。 2 人でくだらないことをするのもあとわずか」と、海斗のある目的のため、西に向かって自転車旅をすることに。旅の資金を考え、初めてカプセルホテルを利用する。カプセルホテルには、風呂あり、サウナあり、飯あり、酒あり、休憩スペースあり!2人は初めて遊園地に行った子どものように無邪気に癒される。今回2人が立ち寄るのは、船橋の「ジートピア」、上野の「Smart Stay SHIZUKU」、名古屋の「ウェルビー栄」、京都の「安心お宿・京都」、大阪の「カプセルイン大阪」。昔懐かしい昭和レトロな雰囲気もあり、近未来の宿泊施設のようでもある…そんな新旧融合している場所には、人生の先輩がたくさんいる。何気なく入ったカプセルホテルには究極の癒しとこれからの人生の教訓が詰まっていた。≪番組概要≫【タイトル】水ドラ25「カプカプ」【放送日時】2024年11月27日(水)スタート 毎週水曜深夜 1時〜1時30分【放送局】テレビ東京、テレビ北海道、テレビ愛知、テレビせとうち、TVQ九州放送テレビ大阪:2025年1月クール放送予定【配信】各話放送終了後から、動画配信サービス「U-NEXT」「Prime Video」 にて順次見放題配信▶U-NEXT:https://t.unext.jp/r/tv-tokyo_pr▶Prime Video:https://www.amazon.co.jp/gp/video/storefront/広告付き無料配信サービス「ネットもテレ東」(テレ東 HP、TVer、Lemino)にて見逃し配信▶テレ東HP:https://video.tv-tokyo.co.jp/▶TVer:https://tver.jp/▶Lemino:https://lemino.docomo.ne.jp/【主演】田中雅功 髙田彪我【ゲスト】1話:小手伸也 2話:真矢ミキ 山中聡 3話:近藤芳正 宍戸美和公4話:山崎樹範 5話:松尾諭 ベンガル【脚本】マンボウやしろ(「お耳に合いましたら。」「量産型リコ」シリーズ)映月(「たまごっちショートアニメ」「COCHO COCHO」)【監督】八重樫風雅(「別に、友達とかじゃない」「ひだまりが聴こえる」)【プロデューサー】漆間宏一(テレビ東京)千葉貴也(テレビ東京)加藤伸崇(S・D・P)古賀奏一郎(SS工房)【制作】テレビ東京 S・D・P【制作協力】SS工房【製作著作】「カプカプ」製作委員会【公式HP】https://www.tv-tokyo.co.jp/capcap/
【公式X】@tx_capcap https://x.com/tx_capcap【公式Instagram】@tx_capcap https://www.instagram.com/tx_capcap/【公式TikTok】@tx_capcap https://www.tiktok.com/@tx_capcap'>
Sakurashimeji first lead role in a drama! TV Tokyo Wednesday Drama 25 "Kapu Kapu"
Sakurashimeji first lead role in a drama! TV Tokyo Wednesday Drama 25 "Kapu Kapu"
GAKU TANAKA and HYOGA TAKADA from Sakurashimeji have been confirmed to appear on Wednesday Drama 25 "Kapukapu" (airing every Wednesday from 1am) which will begin airing on Wednesday, November 27th!
This work is a new addition to TV Tokyo's late-night lifestyle drama series, including the "Solo Active Girls' Recommendation" series, the "Zetsumeshi Road" series, and "The Secret of Weekend Travel: Being a Married Couple Isn't That Easy," and the theme is "capsule hotels," which have been attracting attention in recent years as hotel accommodation costs have skyrocketed. Recently, the number of stylish and clean facilities has increased rapidly, and the number of female users has also increased. This is a lovely road movie about two college students set in a capsule hotel, which has become the ultimate healing entertainment facility with a rest area, food, alcohol, a bath, a sauna, and a space to sleep alone.
<Role introduction & cast comments> GAKU TANAKA / Kaito Okita A fourth-year university student. Miraculously, he was accepted into a university, where he worked part-time, played futsal, and attended a light music club. Although she is not aware of it, her communication skills are quite high. She was in the same class as Ryo in her first year, and they became friends because they shared the same taste in music. She is cheerful and positive, and can have fun whether she is with someone or alone. 【comment】 Q) Please tell us how you felt when you received the offer to appear in this film and what you thought after reading the script. First of all, I was very happy when the drama was decided. Moreover, I was excited because it was a drama on TV Tokyo, which is the time slot I watch. The theme of "capsule hotel" is very niche, and I myself am very attracted to it, so I was very excited to see how it would unfold.
Q) Please tell us your impressions about the role you will be playing. When I first started reading, I thought, "Maybe Kaito and I, GAKU TANAKA, have a lot in common!" And even after I finished reading the fifth chapter, that feeling still remained with me (laughs). I'm a person who takes action at my own pace. There were some parts where I felt embarrassed, as if I was confronting myself.
Q) This will be your first lead role in a drama. Please tell us your enthusiasm for the filming. I feel like the word "immature" might leave me behind, but I want to do my best in the role. I will absorb everything I can, while at the same time enjoying the work from the bottom of my heart and creating a work that everyone can enjoy!
Q. Please give us a message to our viewers, such as highlights. For those who are not normally familiar with capsule hotels, I hope they will gradually become aware of their charm, just like Kaito and Ryo. We would also be grateful if our more experienced capsule hotel staff could watch over us as we make our way to becoming capsule hotel experts.
■ HYOGA TAKADA /Ryo Takami A fourth-year university student. He attended a preparatory school and was an average student. He likes music. He was often alone since middle school and didn't feel like forming a band, so he made vocaloids in high school and university. At university, he doesn't have many close friends other than Kaito. He is always calm and acts as Kaito's guardian. 【comment】 Q) Please tell us how you felt when you received the offer to appear in this film and what you thought after reading the script. The good things about capsule hotels are crammed everywhere, and reading about it just made me want to go to one as soon as possible! I will do my best to convey that in the drama!
Q) Please tell us your impressions about the role you will be playing. I wouldn't say she's quiet, but she always has a low body temperature and is calm, and I get the impression that she doesn't show her emotions very often, which is very similar to me! Except for the fact that she's good at studying...! (laughs)
Q) This will be your first lead role in a drama. Please tell us your enthusiasm for the filming. This is my first lead role, and also my first time acting with GAKU TANAKA. We usually connect with each other through music, but this time it's acting, so it feels very fresh. I want to take on the challenge while also bringing out that freshness and cherishing the atmosphere that only we can create!
Q. Please give us a message to our viewers, such as highlights. If you watch this drama, you will surely become addicted to capsule hotels. We will do our best to film so that you will also become addicted! Let's all have fun this winter!
≪Introduction≫ Kaito (GAKU TANAKA) and Ryo (HYOGA TAKADA) are best friends, but they have completely opposite personalities. After finishing their job hunting, the two are in their fourth year of university and about to graduate. "We don't have money, but we have time. We only have a little time left to do silly things together," they say, and decide to go on a bicycle trip westward to fulfill Kaito's purpose. After considering the funds for the trip, they stay at a capsule hotel for the first time. The capsule hotel has a bath, a sauna, food, alcohol, and a rest area! The two are soothed by the innocence of children visiting an amusement park for the first time. This time, the two will be visiting "Zetopia" in Funabashi, "Smart Stay SHIZUKU" in Ueno, "Wellbe Sakae" in Nagoya, "Anshin Oyado Kyoto" in Kyoto, and "Capsule Inn Osaka" in Osaka. There is a nostalgic Showa retro atmosphere, and also a futuristic lodging facility... such a place where the old and the new blend together is full of life's seniors. A capsule hotel they casually entered was filled with the ultimate relaxation and lessons for the future of life.
<Program Overview> [Title] Wednesday Drama 25 "Kapukapu" [Broadcast date and time] Starts Wednesday, November 27, 2024 Every Wednesday from 1:00 to 1:30 am [Broadcasting Stations] TV Tokyo, TV Hokkaido, TV Aichi, TV Setouchi, TVQ Kyushu Broadcasting TV Osaka: Scheduled to air in January 2025 [Streaming] After each episode is broadcast, it will be available for unlimited viewing on the video streaming services "U-NEXT" and "Prime Video" ▶U-NEXT: https://t.unext.jp/r/tv-tokyo_pr ▶Prime Video: https://www.amazon.co.jp/gp/video/storefront/ Missed broadcasts can be viewed on the free ad-supported streaming service "Net TV Tokyo" (TV Tokyo website, TVer, Lemino) ▶TV Tokyo website: https://video.tv-tokyo.co.jp/ ▶TVer: https://tver.jp/ ▶Lemino: https://lemino.docomo.ne.jp/
[Starring] GAKU TANAKA HYOGA TAKADA [Guests] Episode 1: Shinya Kote Episode 2: Miki Maya and Satoshi Yamanaka Episode 3: Yoshimasa Kondo and Miwa Shishido Episode 4: Yamazaki Junpei Episode 5: Matsuo Satoru Bengal [Screenplay] Manbou Yashiro ("If It Suits Your Ears" and "Mass-Produced Rico" series) Eigetsu ("Tamagotchi Short Animation", "COCHO COCHO") [Director] Fuga Yaegashi ("We're Not Friends" and "I Can Hear the Sunshine") [Producers] Koichi Urushibara (TV Tokyo), Takaya Chiba (TV Tokyo), Nobutaka Kato (S.D.P.), Soichiro Koga (SS Koubou) [Produced by] TV Tokyo S.D.P. [Production cooperation] SS Kobo [Production work] “Kapukapu” Production Committee 【Official website】https://www.tv-tokyo.co.jp/capcap/ [Official X] @tx_capcap https://x.com/tx_capcap [Official Instagram] @tx_capcap https://www.instagram.com/tx_capcap/ [Official TikTok] @tx_capcap https://www.tiktok.com/@tx_capcap